Eleanor Hand is a Registered Craniosacral Therapist
and a Board-Certified Polarity Therapist.

Eleanor has been a practitioner working with the movement and balancing of energy within the body for many years. She has also been challenged by having different forms of arthritis since she was a child. She has found many ways to heal and lead a vibrant and active life and is passionate about sharing what she has learned. She dances, walks, and practices yoga regularly. 

Some years ago, after working with a Polarity Therapist for six months she recovered completely from a sudden onset of debilitating arthritis. Inspired by the healing, Eleanor received the Associate Polarity Practitioner Certification from the Atlanta School of Polarity. As she dove into the practice, she made the decision to deepen her study and receive a Registered Polarity Practitioner Certification from the Ohio Institute of Energetic Studies. She became a Board Certified Polarity Practitioner with the American Polarity Therapy Association in 2011.

She has also studied esoteric practices of breathing, visualization, and the focusing of attention with author/healer Reshad Feild. She incorporates these practices in her Polarity Therapy sessions.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

Eleanor currently practices as a Registered RCST® therapist offering Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy through her training with the Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America, which is a non-profit organization supporting practitioners and teachers of the biodynamic model of craniosacral therapy, as developed by Franklyn Sills, in the lineage of William Garner Sutherland, DO, and others.

A graduate of Emory University with an MEd. in Allied Health, Eleanor brings years of energy work in a variety of contexts to her Polarity, Craniosacral, and Reiki practice. Eleanor works to restore natural flows, which energize and support the major systems of the human body, with the goal of leading her clients toward health and well-being.